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technical - suleman's quiz

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A break statement must always be present in the default case of a "switch" selection structure.
. true
. false
All interface methods must be declared as public when implemented in a class.
. true
. false
Methods can be overloaded with a difference only in the type of the return variable.
. true
. false
A method in a class declared as static can only access static class members.
. true
. false
A method in a class declared as static may be invoked simply by using the name of the method alone.
. true
. false
Each method in a class must have a unique name.
. true
. false
Java does not allow a method with the same signature in a subclass, as a method in the super class.
. true
. false
When a method or a variable in a class is declared as private, it can only be accessed by the methods within the same class.
. true
. false
A method declaration must always contain the access level.
. true
. false
A method declared as final can be overridden by subclasses if it is also declared as static.
. true
. false
The return value from a method must always match the declared return type.
. true
. false
The access level of an overridden method cannot be changed in a subclass.
. true
. false
. ghg
. ghgh

