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- How Well Do You Know Me

Lets see if you pay any attention to when i talk or tell u stuff about myself it should be really simple.

What is my favorite color?
. black
. purple
. blue
. pink
what is my favorite animal
. horse
. cat
. dog
. spiders
. you love all animals >.>
how many siblings do i have?
. 2
. 6
. 3
. 4
whats my favorite food?
. anything sweet
. Chinese food
. bugs
. basically anything
what do i want to do in the Future?
. Be a Artist
. work at a zoo
. be a zoologist
. be happy
how old are my siblings ( oldest to youngest)
. 10, 4, 14
. 14 , 4 , 10
. 14 , 10 , 4
. idk ._.
whats my favorite candy?
. anything with chocolate
. Jolly Ranchers
. Reese
. hershey
What is my favorite Game?
. Injustice
. Mortal Kombat
. Five Nights At Freddys
. Undertale
Favorite Pokémon?
. Eevee
. Umbreon
. Espeon
. Vaporeon
what is something i do alot to get out emotions?
. Draw
. Write Stories
. Vent out on ppl
. Cry it out
How many chapters of my Novel " Nights In The Shadowy Forest" have you read?
. None ._.
. chapters 1 - 5
. chapters 6-10
. all of them
Final Question: What am I scared of the most?
. Being alone
. Spiders
. Death
. Both A & B

