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- Cecilia


What is my favorite video game?
. Minecraft
. The Sims
. Assassins Creed
. None of the above
What is my favorite food?
. Tacos
. Enchiladas
. Quiche
. Sushi
. Pizza
What color is my hair?
. Red
. Black
. Purple
. Brown
. It is a mixture
Which accessory do I prefer?
. Bow headband
. Fake eyelashes
. Ring
. You don't wear accessories
Bad habit of mine?
. Lying
. Chewing my nails
. Not brushing my teeth
. None of the above
Which is my favorite cat?
. Grumpy Cat
. Top Cat
. Catmando
. I hate cats
Coke or Pepsi?
. Coke
. Pepsi
. None of the above
Call me maybe?
. Yes
. No
. What?
Which drink would I choose over the following?
. McDonald's Caramel Frappe
. Starbucks' Flat White
. Water
. Gin&Tonic
. Depends
What am I allergic to?
. Peanuts
. Shellfish
. Cats
. Latex
. Nothing
Which one?
. 666
. 21
. 13
. 7
. 1
How often do I exercise?
. 5-7/7
. 1/7
. 2/Month
. 1/Month
. Never
Out of all these scenarios, how would I react at a party?
. I would sit down and observe everyone while eating the food.
. Dance along with people.
. Leave early.
. Attempt to talk to people.
I am most obsessed with
. My hair
. My nails
. Sherlock Holmes
. Grammar
. Cereal boxes
If I could travel to a desert island with only one object it would be
. My laptop
. A cozy sweater
. My iPhone
. A hairbrush
. The latest Katzenbatch´s book
I rather to read
. Love stories
. Crime stories
. Science books
. Fashion magazines
. Thrillers
Which one of these is my favorite sport?
. Running
. Swimming
. Yoga
. Yoga is not a sport
. Cycling
My favorite animal is
. Rat
. Cat
. Dog
. Horse
. You
On weekends I like to
. Read
. Party
. Excercise
. Play videogames
. Stare at the wall
Favorite holiday.
. St. Valentine's Day
. Mardi Gras
. Rosh Hashanah
. Halloween
. Christmas
What is my favorite season?
. Spring
. Summer
. Fall
. Winter
What is my favorite colour?
. Black
. Pink
. Purple
. White
How many siblings do I have?
. 1
. 3
. 4

