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- Do you know me?


Most important human trait?
. Courage
. Intelligence
. Self Conduct
. Selfishness
Favorite Holiday?
. Christmas
. Halloween
. Easter
. My birthday
Favorite Video Game Franchise?
. Smash Bros
. Pokemon
. Ace Attorney
. Kid Icarus
Lucky number?
. 3
. 7
. 8
. 19
Month I was born in?
. March
. June
. July
. August
Which do I prefer?
. Money
. Determination
. Love
. Intelligence
Favorite Restaurant?
. Arby's
. Mcdonalds
. Wendys
. Any Chinese Restaurant
Favorite Snack?
. Cheeze Itz
. Cool Ranch Doritoz
. Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips
. Chocolate Pretzals
Dream Job?
. Professional Tennis Player
. Chemistry Teacher
. Defense Lawyer
. Dentist
. Professional Smash Bros Player
Favorite drink?
. Sprite
. Pepsi
. Water
. Orange Juice
Favorite hobby?
. Study History textbooks
. Walking
. Practicing my instruments
. Exercising
Which time of the day is my favorite?
. Morning
. Afternoon
. Evening
. Night
. Lucario
. R.O.B.
. Ness
. Jigglypuff
What is my real name?
. Fernando Ramirez
. GianCarlos Espinosa
. Roberto Yevez
. Skyler Hernandez
. Gus Drelp
What is my Smash Gamer Tag?
. Smeargle
. Laundry
. Fernando
. 7^

