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- stalker

meme me me me me me

What's my cats name?
. peanut
. butter
. jelly
. harold
What were my high school colors?
. white and blue
. black and orange
. green and orange
. red and blue
Favorite song from Last 5 years?
. Moving Too Fast
. shiska goddess
. I can do better than that
. apart of that
Where's my favorite place to eat on campus?
. Chicken Wraps
. Top dawg
. Ehall
. Festi
How old is my brother?
. 20
. 21
. 23
. 22
Fav Cinema film?
. Dazed & Confused
. Clueless
. Almost Famous
. Before Sunrise
What area in Nursing do I want to work in?
. Babies
. Old people
. crazies
. OR
Do I like starbucks or dunkin better?
. starb
. dd
WHat's my height?
. 5'3
. 5'4
. 5'5
. i didn't know they stacked poop that high
What's my favorite show?
. Twin Peaks
. Buffy the vampire slayer
. arrested dev.
. Mad Men
Who's my favorite arrested development character?
. Michael
. George Michael
. Tobias
. Gob
Who do I love more?
. Jon Hamm
. Your mom
. Johnny Depp
. Jesus
What color do I enjoy the most?
. green
. blye
. purple
. clear
What is my favorite season?
. Falll
. wintah
. sprang
What is Haley's favorite band? huh
. The Doors
. One Direction
. You've wouldn't know there very obscure
. The Who

