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- How well do you know Laura?

How well do you know Laura?

What's my favourite colour?
. Blue
. Red
. Green
. Turqouise
Who is my favourite PLL character?
. Spencer
. Aria
. Hanna
. Emily
What's my favourite type of food?
. Chinese
. Indian
. Italian
What's my favourite 1D album?
. Up All Night
. Take Me Home
. Midnight Memories
. Four
. Made in The A.M.
Favourite MIC person
. Lucy
. Binky
. Rosie
. Jess
Favourite TOWIE person (girl)
. Danielle
. Ferne
. Georgia
. Chloe Sims
Favourite TOWIE person (boy)
. Lockie
. Pete
. Chris
. Tommy
Favourite PLL person (boy)
. Toby
. Caleb
. Jason
. Ezra
Which is the correct order of 1d faves?
. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall
. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis
. Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis
. Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam

