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- How well do you know Alice?

How well do you know Alice?

Favourtie colour
. pink
. silver
. blue
. purple
Food i wouldn't chose to eat
. burger
. cury
. salad
. pizza
Favourtie youtuber
. Danni Mansutti
. Emily Canham
. LucyandLydia
. Zoella
Favourtie towie person
. Georgia
. Courtney
. Bobby
. Kate
What would i name my daughter
. Sophie
. Phoebe
. Ella
. Emma
If i was given 1 millions dollars what would i buy first
. Zoeva eyeshadow
. iphone 6
. chocolate
. pandora charms
Favourtie walking dead character
. Glenn
. Maggie
. Rick
. Sasha

