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- How good do you know me?

Let's see how well you know me... ? 0.0

What's my favorite number?
. 2
. 10
. 16
What's my favorite colour?
. Pink :)
. umm... black!
. None .. i love all.. xD
. White like you! xD
If I were a piece of clothing ... which one would I be?
. Panties 0.0
. T-shirt
. Bra
. Socks ;)
How would I describe myself? xD
. Short
. short tempered!!
. Lonely T.T
. Only to myself
What's my favorite type of food?
. Italian
. Mexican
. Indian
What's my favorite subject? 0.0
. Math
. Literature
. English
. Science
When I grow up, I wanna travel the world with you... where do you think I would take you first?
. Brazil
. Madrid
. England
. Ireland
What type of girl am I?
. Dress :)
. shorts with socks
What's my favorite animal?
. Phascolarctos cinereus
. Ursidae
. Cornu aspersum
What's my biggest fear?
. Needles
. Clowns
. Lonliness
. Rejection /.\
What's my favorite Disney princess xD ?
. Cinderella
. Jasmin
. Belle
. Snow white
How much do I love you?
. Sooooo much!!!
. ALOT!!!!
. Immensely in love
. Moisterest
Am I a .....
. Indoors snuggler?
. Outdoors experimenter?
What type of chocolate do I love?
. Dark
. With nuts
. White
How would you describe us and our relationship?
. Bonnie and Clyde?
. Eminem and kim
. Kim and kanye
. Romeo and Juliet?
One more...

. Yes
. NO

