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Computers - Computers

10 simple questions to measure how safe you are when using your computer, based on basic countermeasures...

Does your password have more than 8 symbols?
. Yes
. No
Have you activated spam filter of our mail client (ex. outlook, firebird, etc)?
. Yes
. No
Are you using TSL/SSL protocol when connecting to your mail server?
. Yes
. No
Do you use a firewall?
. Yes
. No
Do you check your email's attachments using online virus checking services?
. Yes
. No
Do you lock your Computer when you are having a break?
. Yes
. No
Do you keep your software updated?
. Yes
. No
Do you always check your USB flash memory storage media for viruses, or malicius software every time before you use it?
. Yes
. No
Do you use an updated antivirus software?
. Yes
. No

