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- How well do you know me?

Let's see how well do you know Cristiano Das.

Who's my favourite sports person?
. Cristiano Ronaldo
. Lionel Messi
. Usan Bolt
What is my favourite colour?
. Blue
. Red
. Yellow
What type of girls do I like?
. Beautiful, Cute, Relieves me everytime, Loves me truly, Always speaks the truth, Accepting my requests, Has a good heart, Tells me all her problems, Listens to me, etc.
. Beautiful, Cute, Relieves me everytime, Loves me truly, Always speaks the truth, Accepting my requests, Has a good heart, Tells me all her problems, Listens to me, etc.
. Beautiful, Cute, Has a good heart, Understands my feelings, Does true love, No matter who it is, etc.
Who do I love the most?
. My friends and Sisters
. Bipasha Nandi
. My Brother
. My parents
I can do ........ to make my true love happy.
. Nothing
. Anything
. Something to a limit because I should really love someone who is not using me
. Why would I do?

