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English - PC Championship

Project Cordinator Chapionship

UOM in Gemini update window stands for
. Unit of Management
. Unit of Measurement
. Under Observation Method
. Under Open Management
The PO approval Threshold value for Gemini is
. $100
. $10,000
. $1,000
. $5,000
A new PO can be created with a ???. ?
. Present Date
. Past Date
. Future Date
. All of the above
. Only a & b
A project with sales value more than ???.. is a POC project?
. $50,000
. $10,000
. $9,999
. $100,000
A Parent Gemini project can be edited by
. Listed Back-up PMs
. LPMs
. Both a & b
. Both a & c
. Everyone in Lionbridge
The excessive PO amount can be adjusted by?
. Adding a negative value line to the PO amounting to the excess amount
. Deleting the PO
. Deleting the wrong PO & creating a new one with correct data
. Let the GPM take care of it
. Anyone of a & b
. Anyone of a & c
The Local cost (Intra Company PAs) are not included while calculating the Global Margin
. Depends on the project Value
. None of the above
What is Gemini and list any 3 functions of it ?
. ___________________
. ____________________
. ____________________

