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- Just meee

Do you really know me

What is my faviroute food
. Mutton curry
. Spaghetti
How old am I in 14 years
. 55
. 60
If I had one wish what will it be
. To see my children happy
. To have a better life
What is my ideal holiday
. Weekend at a bush lodge
. Sea holiday
How much do I weight
. 65
. 63
. 70
. 60
To me what is the worst you can do to me
. Eat my food
. Talk behind my back
. Cheat and lie
. Cheat
. Lie
What is my ideal car
. Ferrari
. Golf 7
What is my youngest daughters middle daughter hair colour and my oldest job
. 2 years 4 months.....blondish brown....creche teacher
. 2 years 5 months....brown.....teacher

