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A Test - Chapter God Quiz 1

This quiz is to test your understanding of God.
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What did you understand from the 'God spot' in brain?
. God is inside our brain.
. A great scientific achievement
. People of past believed in God.
. Human physical nature itself facilitates belief in God
. Those who deny God have no brain.
What are the questions that God asks to those who deny Him?
. 1.Were they created from nothing? 2. Were they the creator of themselves? 4. Did they create the universe?
. 1. Were they created by nothing? 2. Were they the creator of themselves? 3. Did they create the heavens and the earth?
. 1. Are they insane? 2. Is there any logic? 3. Did they create the heavens and earth?
. 1. Did they create their children? 2. Who created the first man? 3. Did they create the monkeys?
. 1. Who created hydrogen and oxygen? 2. Don?t they call Me during their necessity? 3. Don?t they think?
Why saying ?Nature is God? wrong?
. Because there is no God.
. Because love is God.
. Because Nature created God.
. It is not wrong.
. It makes the creation as the Creator.
What did God say about the sky, earth, day, night, sea, ship, rain, wind and clouds?
. There are signs for people who say nature is God.
. Indicates the power of God.
. There are signs for people who use reason.
. They will be destroyed one day.
. Indicates there is no God.
Why ?Love is God? wrong?
. An attribute can never be a Creator.
. Love is not God but God is love.
. Because there is no God.
. Because He is an angry God.
. Because Nature is God.
What are the 3 things to check when we say something is God?
. 1. Proof 2. Divinity 3. Contradiction
. 1. Logic 2. No contradiction 3. Brain n body accepts it
. 1. Logic 2. No contradiction 3. Mind and soul accepts it.
. 1. Logic 2. Contradiction 3. Mind and soul accepts it.
. 1. Logic 2. Proof 3. Holiness
Why Darwinism fails?
. Men did not come from monkeys
. Origin of life is more complex than Darwinism
. Men don?t look like monkeys
. 1 n 2
. 1,2 n 3
Why men came from monkeys is wrong?
. We don?t want our children to learn that they came from monkeys.
. Because we still have monkeys today (contradicting survival of the fittest).
. No one had seen a monkey transforming into a man
. A monkey gives birth to a monkey.
. 2,3 n 4
What are the scientific proofs in AlQur?aan regarding ?The Big Bang theory??
. 1. Life was created from water 2. expansion 3. not small.
. 1. Universe was created from extremely hot gaseous state 2. Infinitely small 3. Expansion
. 1. Universe was created from extremely hot solid state 2. small expansion
. 1. Universe was created from a cold gaseous state 2. explosion 3.expansion
. 1. Universe was created from a hot n cold state 2. explosion 3.shrinking
Which of the following is true?
. All of them
. A design indicates a designer
. An art indicates an artist.
. A creation indicates a Creator
. None of them.
Why Diesm is wrong?
. Because nothing cannot create something.
. Because there is a God
. 1 n 2
. all correct
. Diesm makes God injust and no one will create something without a purpose.
Which way should one follow?
. A man created way.
. The way which God wants us to follow
. My own way.
. No idea.
. A Godly man?s way.
Why does a loving God instill fear?
. Because without fear His creations will be in no good.
. 1 n 4
. A God should be deprived of any attribute.
. Because He is an angry God.
. 1 n 3
What did Ibn AlQayyim say?
. Heart is like a bird, love at its head and depression and fear as its 2 wings
. Heart is like a bird, hope at its head and depression and fear as its 2 wings.
. Heart is like a bird, love at its head and hope n fear as its 2 wings.
. Heart is like a bird, fear at its head and love and modesty as its 2 wings.
. Heart is like a bird, hope at its head, sad and love as its 2 wings
Why should we not protect the natural elements?
. We can worship but not protect them.
. We can protect but we not worship them.
. Because protection=worship.
. We should neither protect nor worship them
. They don?t deserve our protection.

