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Here is a quiz

What kind of person i am?
. Mature
. Straight forward
. Shy
When was your very first crush?
. 5th
. 12th
. College
. 9th
What kind of boy do you like?
. Clean shaved
. Stubble
. Long beard
All time favourite holiday destination?
. Taiwan
. Phuket
. Bangkok
. Pattaya
. All
Which foreign language would you like to master in?
. Spanish
. French
. English
. Chinese
Have you ever prank called someone?
. Yes
. No
. Maybe
. Never at all
She got more prizes for?
. Academic
. Dance
. Games
Her favourite color?
. White
. Yellow
. Blue
. Black
What is the important thing you gave us for someone?
. Telling lies
. Your favourite toy
. Having non veg
What are you addicted to?
. Coffee
. Black tea
. Tea
. Beer
Which movie can you watch over and over again?
. Brothers
. Dear zindagi
. NH10
Which animal scare you the most?
. Cat
. Caterpillar
. Dog
What would i change about myself?
. Over friendly nature
. Fun loving way
. The talkative nature
One thing you'll never be able to do?
. Singing
. Riding a horse
. Swimming
What was your worst birthday?
. 16th
. 18th
. 19th
. 15th
Never have i ever theft something?
. May be
. I have
. I have never
What you think i would do?
. Live the Life the way it is
. Learn from the past
. Live in past
. Be in imaginations
She is?
. Morning person
. Mid day person
. Night awl

