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- Are u desi panjabi or exotic french

This is a quiz to know what type of foodie you are

How spicy are you?
. mild
. very spicy
what do you prefer rosemary or pickel
. pickel
. rosemary
what do you like your gravy with missi roti or bread
. missi roti
. bread
what's your drink?
. red wine
. lassi
your favourite dairy product?
. parmesan cheese
. makkan
What is your preference in chicken?
. tandoori
. Française
How spicy are you?
. mild
. very spicy
What do you prefer rosemary or pickel?
. pickel
. rosemary
What do you like your gravy with?
. missi roti
. bread
What's your drink?
. Red wine
. lassi
Your favourite dairy product?
. parmesan cheese
. makkan
What is your preference in chicken?
. Française
. tandoori

