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science - INORGANIC


What is the Aufbau Principle?
. Most stbale arrangement of electrons is that which contains the maximum amount of unpaired electrons. Electrons fill singally then double up.
. No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
. Electrons fill from the lowest energy level subshell first before moving up.
. When elements are arrange in increasing atomic number, groups can be seen with similar chemical character.
What is the periodic law?
. Electrons fill from the lowest energy level subshell first before moving up.
. No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
. Most stbale arrangement of electrons is that which contains the maximum amount of unpaired electrons. Electrons fill singally then double up.
. When elements are arrange in increasing atomic number, groups can be seen with similar chemical character.
What is Pauli's exclusion principle?
. Most stbale arrangement of electrons is that which contains the maximum amount of unpaired electrons. Electrons fill singally then double up.
. No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
. Electrons fill from the lowest energy level subshell first before moving up.
. When elements are arrange in increasing atomic number, groups can be seen with similar chemical character.
What is Hund's rule?
. Electrons fill from the lowest energy level subshell first before moving up.
. No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
. Most stbale arrangement of electrons is that which contains the maximum amount of unpaired electrons. Electrons fill singally then double up.
. When elements are arrange in increasing atomic number, groups can be seen with similar chemical character.

