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Test - Science Quiz

Review for your Science Final

What is the name of the outer barrier that provides shape, support and protectoin for the cell?
. Ribosome
. Cell Membrane
. Cell Wall
. Chloroplast
What is the powerhouse of the cell that uses oxygen to transform food into energy?
. Endoplasmic Reticulum
. Ribosome
. Mitochondria
. Cytoplasm
Decide whether the example is mutualism, commensalim, or parasitism: The gall insect lays eggs in an oak tree, causing a lump that isnt harmful to the tree.
. Mutualism
. Commensalism
. Parasitism
Decide whether the following examples are mutualism, commensalismm, or parasitism: A Fungus gets nutrients from green algae and the algae gets water and nutrients from the fungus.
. Mutualism
. Commensalism
. Parasitism
Decide whether the following examples are mutualism, commensalismm, or parasitism: Larvae lay eggs on fish which irritate fish scales.
. Mutualism
. Commensalism
. Parasitism
Which organism on the food chain recieves the least amount of energy?
. The top of the chain
. the middle of the chain
. the bottom of the chain
What is the difference between and herbivore and omnivore?
. Herbivores eat plants, and omnivores eat both plants and meat
. Herbivores eat meat, and omnivores eat both plants and meat
. Omnivores eat plants, and herbivores eat both plants and meat
. They are both the same
True or False: A niche is the way of life of an organism.
. True
. False
True of False: A scavenger is an organism that is also known as a predator and eats only meat.
. True
. False

