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Athletics - Athletics Quiz


Who is the current 100m mens world champion
. Usain Bolt
. Yohan Blake
. Nesta Carter
. Asafa Powell
. Walter Dix
What country is Sally Pearson from?
. New Zealand
. Australia
. Norway
. England
True or False-Tug of War was an Athletics event at the 1896 Olympics?
. True
. False
Who was the first person to run the 100m in under 9.8 seconds?
. Maurice Green
. Usain Bolt
. Asafa Powell
. Tim Montgomery
. Carl Lewis
How many people have run the 200m in under 19.6 seconds?
. 2
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 6
How many people have run the 100m in under 10 seconds?
. 79
. 51
. 104
. 12
. 63
Which Australians have run the 100m in under 10.1 seconds?
. Aaron Rouge-Streets, Patrick Johnson, Matt Shirvington
. Aaron Rouge-Streets, Patrick Johnson, Sam Jamison
. Patrick Johnson, Matt Shirvington, Josh Ross
What is Josh Ross's nickname?
. Rossie
. The Boss
. Babyface
. Superlegs

