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computer - multimedia

what is multimedia

what is video
. 1.The system of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting moving visual images on or from videotape
. 2.A movie or other piece of material recorded on videotape
what is sound
. 1.Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.
. 2.A long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end.
what is graphics
. 1.The products of the graphic arts, esp. commercial design or illustration.
. 2.The use of diagrams in calculation and design
whats is text
. Send a text message to (someone).
. A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form.
what is animation
. 1.The state of being full of life or vigor; liveliness.
. 2.The state of being alive.
what are the five types of multimedia
. sound
. video
. text
. graphics
. animation
whats a definition of animation
. 1.The state of being full of life or vigor; liveliness.
. 2.The state of being alive
what is a definition for graphics
. 1.The products of the graphic arts, esp. commercial design or illustration
. 2.The use of diagrams in calculation and design
what is a definition for video
. 1.The system of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting moving visual images on or from videotape.
. 2.A movie or other piece of material recorded on videotape
what is a definition for sound
. 1.Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear
. 2.A long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end
what is a definition for text
. Send a text message to (someone).
. A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form

