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Car Driving - Am I ready to take my Driving Test

Help to evaluate your readiness for the driving test

Are you able to move off and stop on the level with good control, and without affecting other roadusers
. always
. most times
. I often cause following traffic to change speed
. Not without help from my instructor
Can you move off and stop safely on a hill
. Always
. with a little help
. if I'm told what to do
. only with help from my instructor
can you move off safely at an angle (from behind a parked car)
. yes perfectly
. if my instructor reminds me how to do it
. Not without a lot of instruction
. Yes but I'm a bit slow at this
can you turn your car round in the road (the turn in the road exercise)
. yes but it seems to take me a long time
. if my instructor reminds me what to do
. no problem, I always have good control of the car and observe all around
. as long as my instructor talks me through what to do
Can you perform the reverse left into a side road
. yes but sometimes I scuff the curb
. Yes, I can do this correctly while observing all around
. if my instructor gives me a bit of advise before I begin
. as long as my driving instructor reminds me as I'm doing the exercise
can you accomplish the reverse park behide a parked vehicle to the required standard
. Yes, I always get this exactly right
. I sometimes get too near the curb and have to move forwad slightly to correct it
. I usually need some advise from my driving instructor before i begin
. only if my driving insrtuctor explains what to do while I'm doing it
Are you able to reverse the car into a parking bay to the required standard
. I often just clip the line at one side of the bay
. not unless my instructor reminds me how to begin the exercise
. never had any problem with this alway get it spot on
. sometimes I have to move forward again in 1st gear to correct it
When practicing the emergency stop do you
. check mirrors before braking
. brake smoothly and progressively
. Hit the brake as fast and hard as you can
. Brake very hard but try not to make the wheels squeel
do you use your mirrors
. before signals, and changes of direction
. before signals and changes of speed
. before signals, and changes of direction and changes of speed
. as often as I can but at no specific times
when driving past obstructions such as parked cars do you
. keep close to the ostruction as possible
. leave as much room as possible and slow down
. leave the width of a car between me and the obstruction
. leave a door width if possible but be prepared to slow down & stop if this is not available
When considering the speed limit for the road you are on, do you
. never go at the speed limit because you should go a little slower to be safe
. Going about 5 mph higher than the speed limit is an accepted standard
. Try to make good progress so as to fit in with other traffic
. Stay near the back of the car in front to be more aerodynamic and safe fuel
When following another vehicle you should
. keep 1 second behind it at all times
. follow the 2 second rule
. always leave a gap of 3 car lengths between you and the car infront
. kepp your left food covering the foot brake in case the car in front stops suddenly
When travelling along the road in normal traffic conditions, you should
. drive at an appropriate speed to keep up with other traffic
. make sure you stop at all junctions before emerging
. emerge as quickly as possible into traffic so you dont hold anyone up
. always wait for at least 30 seconds befor emerging from a junction
When approaching a junction to turn left or right, you should
. approach as fast as possible then stop quickly if it is not clear to go
. approach slow enough, so that you look both left and right and stop if necessary
. always approach very slowly and stop briefly to look both ways
. Approach slowly but never look left because no vehicles will be coming from that direction
When crossing the path of another vehicle, you should
. get accross first even if this means accelerating
. try to time your arrival to the turn so avoiding conflict
When meeting vehicles coming the opposite way and space is limited, you should
. show you intend to take prioriy
. wait for the other driver to come through the gap first
. slow down and be prepared to give way to the oncoming vehicle
. flash your head lights to tell the other driver you coming through first
When negotiating roundabouts, you should
. take any lane that is available in the roundabout
. always stay to the left
. plan early to pick the correct lane
. plan early to pick the correct lane, and not straddle lanes
At pedestrian crossings, you should
. not slow down unless a pedestrian is crossing
. Beep your horn or wave to hurry pedestrians accross
. check for pedestrians on approach and prepare to give way if necessary
. remember that drivers have priority at pedestrian crossings
When driving in general, you should
. consentrate fully on the road ahead
. Be on the lookout for developing hazards
Anticipation and planning are
. not always required, it depends on the traffic conditions
. the most important aspect of driving
. usefull when learning to drive but not after passing your test
. both things that can cause hesitancy

