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myself - The Cook Clan

All about us.

What isNana's full name?
. a. Moira Gertrude Betty Watson Cook
. b. Mary Sophie Dawn Bo Nunuke Cook
. c. Mary Nimmo Watson Docherty Cook
. d. Moira Elizabeth Watson Docherty Cook
What is Papa's cure for a sore tummy?
. a. Some Immodium
. b. a good sh*te
. c. a big tolley
. d. a plate of beans
Which of these costumes has Elizabeth not dressed up in?
. a. Burlesque dancer
. b. Hippy
. c. Fat Stripper
. d. Ronaldhino
Which of these gangs was Jim the leader of?
. a. The Karaoke Krew
. b. the Bubblegum Gang
. c. The Cha Chas
. d. The Jobbystick Gang
What position did David play when he dominated the football field?
. a. Goalkeeper
. b. Striker
. c. Midfield
. d. Defence
Which item did Karen allegedly shoplift from Matalan and blame a young Ryan for?
. a. A fairy princess costume
. b. pair of Primark shoes
. c. Sunglasses
. d. Bottle of juice
Which of these people did Liz go to Primary School with?
. a. Eliabeth
. b. Karen
. c. David
. d. Jim
At Nana's 60th birthday Norma dressed up as what?
. a. Pink Lady
. b. T Bird
. c. Elvis
. d. Bee-Bop Girl
Which of these Dougie like to eat?
. a. Toast and Nutella
. b. piece and Mars Bar
. c. Soup with brown sauce
. d. Ice Cream with Irn Bru
How many glorious years has Dawn spent at Ibrox as a season ticket holder?
. a. 3 years
. b. 5 years
. c. 7 years
. d. 9 years
Which fictional did Cheryl claim to bring into her room?
. a. Dog
. b. Cat
. c. Rabbit
. d. Sheep
What is Megan's Car called?
. a. Charlie
. b. Bella
. c. Jacob
. d. Betty
what are the names of Sophie's Designer Friends?
. a. Olivia and Jane
. b. Ellie and Alesha
. c. Karen and Elizabeth
. d. Bo and Nunuke
Which of these is not one of Ryan's favourite childhood songs?
. a. Tiny Bubbles -Sydney Devine
. b. Achy Breaky Heart
. c. Spice Up Your Life
. d. Mambo No5 - Lou Bega
Which of these items was part of Susanne's famous lunchbox leftovers concoction?
. a. Cheese and onion crisps
. b. Marmite
. c. Chocolate mousse
. d. Apple
Which of these is Gemma's nickname?
. a. GemgemjamjarjojoSOUP
. b. GemgemjojojamjarSOUP
. c. GemgemjarjamjojoSOUP
. d. Gemmasaurus
Amy once drew the Innkeeper of Bethlehem a new hairstyle.
what was it?
. a. A bob
. b. an Afro
. C. Bunches
. D. Snoop Dogg plaites
Which of these items would you find in Boaby's room?
. a. 101 Dalmations bin
. b. Gareth Gates calendar
. C. Pictures of Ryan, Gary and Jim
. d. All of the Above
How many girlfriends has Jim had?
. a. 0-2
. B. 3-5
. c. 6-7
. d. 8+

