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history - US History: Chapter 1

Prehistory, Puritans, Plantations, and Pirates

What group "invented" agriculture by domesticating maize.
. Olmec
. Mayan
. Aztec
. Inca
. None of the above
Columbus was the first to discover America.
. True
. False
Purtians came to America to escape other people's religious freedom.
. True
. False
The island of Manhatten was purchased for $24 worth of cheap trade goods.
. True
. False
The beaver trade in the New World was with two powerful nations.
. America and Spain
. Dutch and French
. British and French
. British and Spain
The Triangular Trade involved three continents at once. They were.
. France,Spain,and England
. England France and America
. America England and Africa
. France England and Africa
Two young men who worked as indentured servants would go on to become presidents of the United States: Millard Filmore and Andrew Johnson.
. True
. False
Rum was invented in America.
. True
. False
Tobacco was an American weed that helped in the settlement of Virginia and America itself.
. True
. False
Blackbeard was an Englishman who served in King George's army.
. True
. False
The Puritans landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
. True
. False
Salem Village was the where girls claimed that witches were casting spells and demonic possession on them.
. True
. False
Metacom was a Wampanoag indian chief who was known to English colonists as "King Philip".
. True
. False
In proportional terms, King Philip's War was one of the most destructive conflicts in American history.
. True
. False
The Royal Africa Company traded in what export?
. Rum
. Sugar
. Slaves
. Beaver pelts
The Virginia Company trade was with this product.
. Cotton
. Fish
. Beaver
. Tobacco
Georgia was founded as a debtors" colony for ondigent men from England.
. True
. False
Nathaniel Bacon served as Virginia's governor for a total of 27 years.
. True
. False
Blackbeard's real name is "Edward".
. True
. False
Blackbeard was shot or stabbed 25 times before actually dying.
. True
. False
The main settlers in America were the English, French and Spanish.
. True
. False

