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Christmas - ????????????


What does NFL stand for?
. National Football League
. National Football League
The _________ ___________'s starting QB is Russell Wilson.
. Seattle Seahawks
. Seattle Seahawks
What does NFL stand for?
. Naked Feet Licky
. National Football League
. New Fat Lemonade
. Who cares?
The ______________ _____________'starting QB is Russell Wilson.
. Seattle Seahawks
. Fat Fools
. Idiotic Ibecilles
. Pittsburg Steelers
. Miami Dolphins
Whens Christmas?
. December 25
. I hate this stuff
How fat are you?
. Mega fat
. Super fat
. Fat
. Slightly Fat
. Reverse mega fat
. almost Totally Skinny
. Totally Skinny
. Paper Skinny
You are ___________.
. ultimate mega supreme fat
. dsh

