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fun - How well do you know me?

:D my life is boring, you'll get it all right

What is my middle name?
. Eva
. Eve
. Howell
What is my middle name?
. Eve
. Evie
. Eva
When is my birthday?
. July 7th 1999
. July 17th 2000
. June 11th
. January 30th
. July 7th 2000
What are my favourite crisps?
. Skips
. Quavers
. Sensations
. Doritos
What apple products do I have?
. iPad and iMac
. iPod, Mac, Apple TV and Docking Station
. iMac and iPhone 5
Who are my 6 best friends?
. Bobbie, Maitry, Ella, James, Fred and Lucy
. Khalid, Jamal and Pingas
. Everyone, I'm sooo popular #swag
. Nobody
What do I say often?
. Next up & Excuuuuuuuse meh
. Hold my earrings
. I will fart in your mouth
. PHAN IZ REEL!!1!!!2!!!
What is my dog called?
. Hooters
. Fanny
. Jingo
. Gerard Way
I have an addiction to...
. Minecraft
. tumblr.
. Starbucks
. Your mum
I think you are...
. Amazing, ily
. Amazing, but I hate you
. I hate you, but you're amazing
. Aint nobody got time fo dat
My favourite song (June '13) is...
. The Promise- Emma Blackery
. Tobuscus- Vine song
. Bastille- Pompeii
. Justin Bieber- Baby
I hate...
. Minecraft & Skips
. Everyone
. Lime (the fruit)
. Icing and Getting things in my eyes
I love...
. You
. Your mum
. Pancakes
. Phil and Dan
My sexuality is...
. Straight
. Lesbian
. Bisexual
. Asexual

