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Love - how well do you know me

how well do you know me?

Favorite place i like to go?
. Europe
. San Fransisco, California
. lake tahoe california
. tucson arizona
what is my dream career?
. cosmetologist
. business owner
. world traveler
Would i rather be happy, rich, poor, depressed, relaxed or stressed?
. happy
. rich
. poor
. depressed
. relaxed
. stressed
. happy and relaxed
. happy and rich
. poor and depressed
Dream car make?
. ferarri
. lamborgini
. mercedes
. land rover
Women shoe size?
. 6
. 9
. 8
. 12
favorite animal?
. tiger
. lion
. hippo
. giraffe
. snow leopard
What is my natural hair color
. blonde
. strawberry blonde
. red
how many body piercings do i have?
. 2
. 3
. 4
. 5
sport i used to play as a child?
. basketball
. soccer
. baseball
. hockey
. footall
Where was I born?
. California
. Nebraska
. Colorado
biggest OCD?
. even numbers
. color coding
. organization by labeling
biggest pet peeve?
. child neglect
. slurping
. burping or farting in public
How many kids do i want?
. none
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
Favorite color?
. Brown
. black
. Teal
. tan
. gold
How many tattoos do i desire?
. 2
. 4
. 3
how many tattoos do i have?
. 2
. 3
. 6

