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Plain and Simple. :) - How well do you know me

How well do you know me? lets find out.

How many siblings do I have?
. None
. 1
. 3
. 4
. 6
Am I about that Bass or Treble?
. Totally about that Bass!
. Meh. Who cares?
. Go Treble!
How do I feel about wearing dresses?
. Omg yes!!
. hahaha no.
What do I look for the most in a guy?
. Looks
. Personality
. Money
What color blouse would I most likely wear?
. Yellow
. Pink
. Blue
. Neon green
Who is my #1 music entertainer ever?
. Nicki Minaj
. Otis Redding
. Michael Jackson
. Lil Wayne
How long have I been playing my instrument?
. 3 months
. 1 year
. 4 years
. 2.5 years
What do I think is boring?
. Sci-Fic/ fantasy
. Classical music
. Children
. Crocheting
What's my favorite foreign language?
. French
. Spanish
. German
. Dutch
What is my middle name?
. Jasmine
. Tamira
. Armella
. Dejonshe
What is my favorite color?
. blue
. hot pink
. purple
. yellow
What insrument do I play?
. Trumpet
. Viola
. Violin
. Flute
What's the date of my birth?
. July 10, 1999
. Jarnuary 26, 1998
. June 10, 1999

