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- how well do you know ME

blugh you think you know me do you?

what do i most wish i could be?
. dinosaur
. dragon
. horse
. eagle
fave movie
. lion king
. land before time
. happy feet
. finding nemo
How many people have I dated (went on at least 2 dates)
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
whats my favorite pony?
. twilight sparkle
. fluttershy
. Rarity
. Rainbow Dash
. Pinkie Pie
. applejack
how many cats do i have?
. 5
. 4
. 3
. 2
. 1
how many animals have i killed approximately?
. none
. 5
. 10
. 15
. 20
. lost count
what is my favorite food?
. chocolate cake
. Meat Pie
. Taco's
. Pizza
. Chicken
. Lamb
how many brothers do I have?
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
on a scale of 1 to horse, how hot is a cheetah?
. 1
. horse
. raptor
. impala
Where do I most want to go?
. Africa
. Venice
. The moon
. Mars
What is my favorite animal? (i know you'll all get this one)
. horses
. lol, why bother?
how many times have I been overseas?
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
What is my most treasured moment?
. seeing the Great Barrier Reef
. finishing school
. sleeping in the fields with gloria
. holding a cheetah cub
how many houses have I lived in?
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
. 5
how many pets have I had?
. 8
. 10
. 12
. 14
What am I most fearful of?
. bees
. the dark
. rejection
. isolation
. heights
How many living grandparents do I have?
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4

