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- How well do you know me

You may think you know me pretty well, but this can be the judge of that 😉

Which disturbs me most?
. Boils
. Maggots
. Lice
. Mold
Which smell do I hate most?
. Garbage
. Body odor
. Rotten food
. Cat poop
What upsets me most?
. Not getting my way
. Being put down
. Being ignored
. Being yelled at
What annoys me the most?
. Technology
. Loud eaters
. Procrastinating
. Slow results
What is my favorite ice cream flavor?
. Coffee
. Mint chocolate chip
. Double chocolate fudge
. Vanilla
What animal do I have an obsession with?
. Whales
. Cats
. Birds
. Foxes
Who is my favorite uncle?
. Chris
. Daniel
. Joey
. Michael
What size shoe do I wear?
. 8 1/2
. 9
. 9 1/2
. 7 1/2
Who was my best childhood friend?
. Madison
. Elaina
. Julia
. Abi
Which of the following have I not had done?
. Tonsil removal
. Fang removal
. Wisdom teeth removal
. Ear wax removal
What is my worst fear?
. Wolves
. Spiders
. Drowning
. The dark
Who is my celebrity crush?
. Benedict Cumberbatch
. Tom Hiddleston
. Robert Downy Jr
. Christian Bale
What is my favorite soda?
. Dr Pepper
. Ginger ale
. Root beer
. Sprite
Which career would I most likely choose?
. Teacher
. Midwife
. Doctor
. Artist
What is my favorite candy?
. Lifesavers
. Gummy bears/worms
. Twix Bars
. Skittles
What is my type of dream house?
. English Brick
. Log Cabin
. Old manor
. White Farmhouse
What is my favorite movie?
. Robin Hood
. Sound of Music
. Little women
. The note book
What is my favorite season?
. Spring
. Summer
. Winter
. Fall
What is my favorite type of food?
. Mexican
. Italian
. Chinese/Japanese
. American
What is my favorite color?
. Purple
. Green
. Blue
. Gold

