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- Sam's Totally Rad Quiz

The title says it all dude

8 The fuck even is this test really I was just bored what am I doing
. . The answer's B dude
. . B
. . This is the answer
. . The answer is B
7 I am:
. . All of the above
. . Honestly gonna kms please
. . A cunt
. . Going to neck myself
6 My name is?
. . idk where this quiz is even going please help me
. . Sup bitch name's Todd
. . Jeff
. . Chica chica slim shady
5 Eat my:
. . Face
. . Tacos, Janice
. . Spaghetti
. . Ass
4 Favourite song by mcr and the brobecks (really easy)?
. . Thank You For The Venom/Le Velo Pour Deux
. . Mama/I'd Be A Punk
. . Teenagers/Boring
. . Headfirst For Halos/Small Cuts
3 Don't cry:
. . Neck yourself
. . Kys
. . Laugh
. . Craft
2 What is Ted Cruz?
. . Dead
. . My dad
. . The zodiac killer
. . An American Politician
1 What's my favourite colour?
. . Seven
. . Black
. . Blue
. . Red

