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- How Well Do You Know Me


What's my dogs name?
. Honey
. Bella
. Fluffy
. Daniel
Who is my favorite Youtuber?
. Pewdiepie
. Twaimz
. Strawburry17
. Zoella
What's my favorite shows?
. I don't watch t.v.
. Spongebob and Power Puff Girls
. Keeping up with the Kardashians and Full House
. Friends and Steven Universe
What's my favorite hobby?
. Biking
. Hunting
. Talking
. Art
How many pets do I have?
. 4
. 9
. 7
. 2
When's my birthday?
. August 3rd
. June 22nd
. July 29th
. August 5th
What's my favorite color?
. Pink
. Purple
. Blue
. Orange

