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- How Well Do You Know Me Part 3

Last Chance

Free points
. 5 points
. 5 points
What color are my eyes?
. Grey
. Hazel
. Brown
. Black
Favorite month
. June
. December
What am I not supposed to eat but I still eat it anyway?
. Tomatoes
. Chicken
. Grapes
. Fish
Favorite Tv show?
. Dancing with the stars
. Shark tank
. Greys anatomy
. Housewives
Last person I talked to on the phone? (It was around 2:30)
. My boss
. Crystal
. My mom
. Your mom
What is the name of the little baby boy that I watch sometimes?
. Kent
. Kenny
. Kage
. Kit
What is the name of the town I'm from?
. Little Rock
. Kingsland
. Hot Springs
. Arkansas
Basketball or Football?
. Basketball
. Football
If I had a daughter what would I name her?
. Riley Ann
. Riley Grace
. Riley Elizabeth
. Riley Isabella
When do I want to get married?
. Two years
. Right away
. Never
Who is my role model (work wise)
. Crystal
. Kylie Jenner
. My mom
. Beyonce
What is the easiest way to make me mad?
. Being clingy
. Belittle me
. Catch an attitude with me
. Ignore me
When did I fall in love with you?
. Two days
. Three months
. Two weeks
. Right away
Who was my childhood best friend?
. Zach
. Jordan
. Ty
. Alicia

