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- Olympic 100

Quiz your knowledge about past and present Olympic games.

Where were the 2016 Olympic games held?
. Rio
. Auckland
. Wellington
. Athens
When was the first summer olympics held?
. 1982
. 1901
. 1796
. 1896
Who lit the olympic flame in 2016?
. Valerie Adams
. Usain Bolt
. Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima
. Wayne Gretzky
How often are the Olympics held?
. Every 2 years
. Every 5 years
. Every 4 years
. every 3 years
In ancient Olympics, what did the winners get as a prize?
. A daisy chain
. An ankle bracelet
. An olive branch wreath
. A crown
When were the first ancient Olympic games held?
. 776 BC
. 776 AD
. 776 CD
. 779 AD
Who could take part in the ancient Olympic games?
. Young women who could speak Greek
. Young men who could speak Greek
. Young men
. Middle aged men
Married women were not allowed to watch the ancient Olympics.
. True
. False
Who led the NZ team into the 2016 closing ceremony?
. Lydia Ko
. Lisa Carrington
How many medals did she win?
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
They were both Gold medals.
. True
. False
What did she win gold for?
. Womens kayak single 200m
. Womens kayak double 200m
Nick Willis won a medal. What colour was it?
. Gold
. Silver
. Bronze
Nick Willis raced against Usain Bolt.
. True
. False
Which race did Nick compete in?
. 100m
. 1500m
. 200m
. The mile
What medal did Valerie Adams win?
. Gold
. Silver
. Bronze
. Tinfoil
What sport does Valerie compete in?
. High Jump
. 200m sprint
. Shotput
. Gymnastics
When did Valerie first compete at the Olympics?
. 2000
. 2004
. 2008
. 2012
In what place did she finish at that Olympics?
. First
. Second
. Seventh
. Eighth
Valerie's personal best throw outdoors was?
. 24.21
. 23.24
. 21.24
. 20.24

