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Quiz Maker
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- Are you healthy?

Take this quiz to find out how healthy you are.

How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
. 3-6 hours
. 7-10 hours
. 11-13 hours
How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you eat per day?
. None
. 1-3 cups
. 4-6 cups
. 7-12 cups
How much exercise do you get per day?
. 2+hours
. Around 1 hour
. 30 minutes or less
How many meals do you eat per day?
. 4-6 light meals
. 2 large meals
. No meals
. 3 medium meals
How many hours per day are you using a screen? (phone, computer etc.)
. 0-2 hours
. 2-5 hours
. 6-15 hours

